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Virginia Santamarina

Full Professor at Universitat Politècnica de València and Coordinator of the Research Microcluster Cultural and Creative Industries, Tourism & Tech.
Expert in sustainable management of cultural, intangible and natural heritage, and in the design of sustainable tourism strategies for landscapes and creative cities.
Master in Internet and Intranet Programming, PhD in Conservation and Restoration of Historic-Artistic Heritage and Advanced RPAS Pilot Degree.

Virginia Santamarina-Campos ( began her academic journey at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), where she graduated in Fine Arts in 1999, specialising in Conservation and Restoration of Mural Works. Her passion for arts and culture led her to explore the intersection of mural paintings with cultural landscapes and social identity, travelling between Spain, Italy and Mexico.

She then added technology to her profile with a Masters in Internet-Intranet Programming in 2001. Her PhD at the UPV allowed her to develop an educational platform for the conservation of mural works, which was adopted by several Ibero-American universities between 2004 and 2013, underlining her commitment to education and research.

In 2014, Virginia expanded her range of skills by becoming an RPAS (drone) pilot, which allowed her to incorporate this technology into her research projects in Uruguay, Dubai and several European destinations. This development marked a turning point in his career, where the confluence of his interests in sustainability, art and technology became more palpable. Her leadership in the field of drones became evident when she took on the coordination of the European technological innovation project AiRT ( under the H2020-ICT-2016-2017 framework.

Virginia is passionate about innovation and sustainability, and her vision is reflected in her role as a Full Professor at the UPV, where she teaches in undergraduate, masters and doctoral programmes, focusing her lessons on sustainable cultural heritage management and sustainable research design. Her pedagogical approach integrates aspects of sustainability and environmental, social and corporate governance, forming the core of her teaching and research approach.

He coordinates the Research Microcluster "Cultural and Creative Industries, Tourism and Technology" of the Campus of International Excellence VLC Campus. This platform focuses on eco-innovation and the adaptation of technologies in the cultural and creative industries (CCI), always with a focus on the end user.

Her hybrid profile has led her to lead 29 projects and contracts in social innovation and technological innovation, obtaining more than 4 million euros in funding. She has published more than 100 scientific and technical papers, and since 2017, she has been recognised as an Expert Evaluator for the European Commission, Research Executive Agency.

One of its most recent innovations has been the incorporation of deep-freezing into cleaning processes, reflecting its commitment to eco-innovation and sustainability. This breakthrough has broken new ground in the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage.