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María Luisa Vázquez de Ágredos Pascual

Department of Art History Coordinator within the Research Microcluster CCIs, Tourism & Tech.
PhD in Geography, History and History of Art. She is an expert in Materiality and Cultural Meaning of Cultural Heritage in Ancient Mesoamerica.
Assistant Professor in the Department of Art History at the University of Valencia.

She holds a doctorate in Geography and History from the University of Valencia (in Spain), and a second doctorate in Art History from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain).
She also completed a Master’s Degree in International Cooperation from Universitat Jaume I de Castellón (Spain). She has taught in the Department of Art History, University of Valencia, since 2009. Her research focuses on archaeometric and cultural studies of Maya mural painting. Recently, in order to understand their compositions and cultural significances, she has concentrated on physical-chemical analysis of the body paint and aromatics in ancient Mesoamerica. She was the director of the projects Archaeometry of Body Pigment and Perfume of Ancient Mesoamerica (Universidad de Valencia: 2011-2012) and Archaeometry of the Color in the Mayan Area (Generalitat Valenciana: 2012-2014). Her current project is Maya Art and Architecture. New Technologies for its Study and Conservation (2015-2018; Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness). She was also the director of the research project, Tracing back to Antiquity the composition and cultural significance of ancient drugs, cosmetics and fragrances found in a 17th century Roman pharmacy, and its successor: Antichi minerali nell´arte degli speziali di “De Medicamentaria Officina” di Santa Maria della Scala, Roma. Indagini Chimico-Fisiche e Studio Storico-Culturale (Aboca Spa. Sociatà Agricola: 2017-2018).
She is author of numerous articles in specialized journals, such as Archaeometry, Journal of Archaeological Science, Journal of Cultural Heritage, Analytical Chemistry, book chapters and books in prestigious publishing, such as Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, the British Archeological Reports, Cambridge University Press, or New Mexico University Press, among others.